

Doctor Bahri Adis is Invisalign Certified Provider. Invisalign is a confortable and aesthetic breakthrough in orthodontics. Invisalign is one of the most advanced dental treatments currently available only after careful medical consultation and prescription and is indicated for straightening teeth during malocclusions treatment.

Invisalign consists of a series of custom-made, clear plastic, removable aligners which move teeth gradually towards a projected final position. Using ClinCheck®, a virtual 3D treatment plan, we’ll be able to to see the series of movements that your teeth are expected to go through over the course of the treatment – and to know in advance how the teeth will look at the end of the Invisalign treatment planned by Dr. Adis.

If you are ready for a smile that can change your life, make your appointment with Dr. Bahri Adis at Dentesthetic: Invisalign could be the treatment that bet fits your needs.